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King's Fellow wins International Studies Association book prize

Mira Siegelberg has been awarded the Francesco Guicciardini Prize for Best Book in Historical International Relations.


King’s announces commissioned carol for Christmas Eve

The new carol for A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols on Christmas Eve 2021 is a setting by Cecilia McDowall of There is no rose.


King's alumni awarded Leverhulme Prizes

Alumni Dr Tom Geue and Professor Kathryn Stevens have both been awarded Philip Leverhulme Prizes in Classics.


Choir releases new album for Christmas

The Choir's new Christmas album is the first under new Director of Music, Daniel Hyde.

King's undergraduate awarded law scholarship

Undergraduate student Diallo Williams has been awarded a scholarship on the Freshfields Stephen Lawrence Scholarship Scheme. 


King's CRA leads response to Cabinet Office call for evidence

Matthijs Maas has led a submission of Evidence to the UK Cabinet Office, providing input on the UK’s proposed National Resilience Strategy.


New research from King's Fellow sheds light on killer T cells

Gillian Griffiths and her team have discovered how T cells are able to replenish their ability to destroy cancer cells.


King’s medics top University anatomy exams

Three first year medical students have ranked 1st, 2nd and 3rd in Cambridge in the Part 1A exams in anatomy.


Library and Archives publish 'A King's Banquet' exhibition

Part of Open Cambridge, the exhibition showcases a feast of food-related material from the special collections.


Inaugural participants selected for the King’s Entrepreneurship Lab

Nineteen students will form the first cohort of the year-long programme to support those wishing to explore a career path in innovation and entrepreneurship.

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Art historian John Bury dies

Pioneering art historian John Bernard Bury (born 1917) passed away on 18th January 2017, at Wimbledon, aged 99. John studied at Balliol College, Oxford, where he read modern history (1935-38).


Choir releases studio master downloads

Choir albums now available to download from King's in ultra-high resolution


College entrepreneurship competition now open

The King’s Entrepreneurship Prize encourages and supports King’s Members in the development of promising ideas and concepts.

Online exhibition on 'Mothers of Kingsmen'

Online exhibition using archives to explore the relationship certain famous King's College alumni had with their mothers.


21 piano piece show

Chapel Lates are back with a performance of Richard Causton’s Nocturne for 21 Pianos, performed by students from Cambridge University with young pianists from St. Bede's School and the Centre for Young Musicians   


God-Curious: Asking Eternal Questions

The Dean of King’s Stephen Cherry, has this week published a book intended to encourage sixth formers (and others) to consider studying theology.


King’s Fellows awarded teaching prizes

We congratulate two of our current Fellows, Dr Jude Browne and Dr Ingo Gildenhard, who have both won Pilkington Prizes this year for their substantial contributions to teaching.


It's not all in my head! - The complex relationship between rare diseases and mental health problems

This article argues that the common experiences of rare disease patients have impacts upon the way in which their psychiatric care should be offered and managed, and that sensitivity and understanding surrounding these issues should be considered