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Research Committee

The Research Committee includes the:

  • Provost (Dr Gillian Tett; Chair)
  • Vice-Provost (Prof. Robin Osborne)
  • Senior Tutor (Dr Myfanwy Hill)
  • First Bursar (Dr Ivan Collister)
  • Research Managers (Professor Gillian Griffiths  and Dr David Good) as ex officio members.
  • Secretary: Research Coordinator (Dr Caro Schade)


The remaining members are elected each year at Annual Congregation.

The Research Committee sets the research policy for the College and is responsible for the running of the Research Fellowship competitions.The research committee meets once in each term. The next meeting on 14th November 2024. 

The Committee is always happy to receive suggestions for workshops, conferences and linked seminars from Fellows of the College, as well as proposals for Research Fellowship competitions. These should be directed in the first instance to Professor Gillian Griffiths (Sciences) or Dr David Good (Humanities). 

David Good

How our understanding of human communication can contribute to the design and use of new informational and communication technologies; the role of social factors in the evolution of language and intelligence.

Robin Osborne

I am Robin and was myself a student at King’s. I spent a number of years teaching in Oxford before being drawn back by the unique challenges of this place. I teach across the range of Greek and Roman history, art and archaeology, and teach Historians as well as Classicists. Quite a lot of the things I have published have grown out of my teaching. I have been an editor of Omnibus for many years and you can find my contributions, recent and less recent, in the Omnibus archive (https://archive.org/details/omnibuscatalogue).

Myfanwy Hill

Dr Hill is the Senior Tutor at King’s College; she oversees the educational and pastoral life of the College.  Before taking on this role Myfanwy was a full time academic with research interests in brain stem cells.  In particular, she worked on regeneration of injury in the brain and spinal cord.  Myfanwy is also a qualified veterinary surgeon treating companion animals.  Alongside being Senior Tutor, she teaches Medical, Veterinary and Natural Sciences students.

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