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The College distributes various publications for alumni and friends, both online and in hard copy. If you would like to receive emails with the latest College news, event invitations and more, or would like to be sent our biannual magazine, King's Parade or our Annual Report, do please get in touch so that we can update your details and ensure our publications are sent to your preferred address.


Annual Reports

The College Annual Report provides a yearly update on life at King's, its newly-appointed Fellows...

Philanthropy Reports

All alumni and friends of King's receive a copy of the annual Philanthropy Report, where...

King's Parade

King's Parade is our biannual alumni magazine, with features and interviews with current students, Fellows...


We produce a regular e-newsletter with the latest College news, announcements and upcoming events for...

Members and Friends News


EFG International AG is supporting postgraduate students at King’s

Leading Swiss private banking and asset management firm EFG, which also sponsors the...


Quantedge-Cambridge Refugee Scholarship supports two new MPhil students

The Quantedge-Cambridge Refugee Scholarship is providing two more talented students coming from areas...


The E-Lab’s Social Venture Residential welcomes its 2025 cohort of students

The second cohort of ‘social entrepreneurs’ is formed by students from 15 colleges....

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