Happy International Day of Women and Girls in Science! 👩🏿🚀🧑🔬👩🏽🔬🥼🧬
Today we celebrate the inspirational women of King's who are at the forefront of scientific research. Professor Anne Davies OBE, King's Life Fellow, was the first woman to be appointed Professor in
@mathematics.at.cambridge. Anne has consistently advocated for better representation for women at all levels of academia, and in 2014 became the University’s Gender Equality Champion for STEM subjects.
"I was the first in my family to go to university and went to a school where very few went on to Higher Education. Actually, I was the only girl in my school doing A level Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. I chose these A levels because I was fascinated by the sciences. Mathematics underpins all the sciences, as well as being good fun in its own right. For example, when you look at the night sky you see the planets and the stars, but we can work out the positions of the planets as they orbit the sun by mathematics; it’s called Kepler’s Law. With mathematics you can work out the temperature that water will boil at different altitudes, something that is important if you climb high mountains. There are many ways we automatically use mathematics in daily life. Here at Cambridge our mathematics course is very varied, allowing students to specialise once they’ve got to grips with the basics. They can learn, as I did, how mathematics can be applied to the sciences or the sheer joy of number theory, or geometry. It’s also probably one of the most employable subjects to take as a degree. I hope you follow this and have fun!"
#WomenInScience #Cambridge #CambridgeUniversity #UniversityOfCambridge @mathematics.at.cambridge @kings_outreach
📸1: Anne-Christine Davis © Jooney Woodward 2023. Photographed for ’50 Portraits – An Exhibition’.
2: Martin Bond for King's College Cambridge