Opening hours for members of College
The library is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The librarians are present Monday-Friday, 09:00-17:30.
Access for Researchers
As a working library the College library is not generally open for tourism, except on occasional open days that are publicised on the College website from time to time. If you have a need to consult our rare books or manuscripts for research purposes please get in touch to make an appointment (see contact details). Visits can only take place during staffed hours (see above). A virtual tour of the Library is available for tourists. The library is closed for six weeks in May/June each year for the examination period. Visiting researchers will need to press the buzzer at the library entrance for access.
Finding the Library
Access to the Library is via Webb's Court. From the Front Gate, turn left following the path around the Front Court (away from the Chapel). The entrance to Webb's Court is just beyond the Front Court, on the left, under the archways immediately after the Gibbs building. See the map below.