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For Offer Holders

This section is for students holding an offer to study at King's College, Cambridge.

Congratulations on your offer to study at King's This section supports you from when you receive your offer in January until your place at King's confirmed in August.

Key information for offer-holders

We are delighted to have been able to make you an offer to study your chosen subject at King's, and wish you the best of luck in your exams, if you are yet to take them. Please read all of the information on this page and in the links very carefully and check them regularly for updates.

For queries, we prefer to be contacted by email in all cases: undergraduate.admissions@kings.cam.ac.uk. Please start ALL emails with:  Your name, Subject, UCAS number. 

Where you are required to upload documents, please don't forget to name all your documents with your name, subject and UCAS number. All documents should be uploaded to the relevant link mentioned in the offer letter. If you are uncertain, contact the Undergraduate Admissions Office.

If you are holding a deferred offer, there will be a year and eight months between receiving your offer in January and starting at King's. Therefore, while certain dates and deadlines on this page may be useful to familiarise yourself with, the majority of important information will be found on your offer letter and updates relating to your offer will be sent directly to you via email by the admissions team.

‘Discover Kings’ -  online offer holder series

We will be hosting a series of online events for students who have received an offer to study an undergraduate programme at King’s College in October 2025. Offer holders will learn more about student life at King’s and the various support available to them when they arrive. Sessions will generally be 30/45mins in length and structured as followed: short presentation and long Q&A.

Upcoming sessions:

  • Tuesday 11 February 2025 - sessions starts at 4pm (UK time) - Financial support 

This session is aimed at answering any questions you may have about budgeting, College fees and charges, financial support etc. Guest speaker: Nicola Wright, Financial Tutors Assistant. Register here

  • Wednesday 12 March 2025 - session starts at 4pm (UK time) - Academic & Welfare Support

Learn about the support services available at King’s. Guest Speaker: Alanya Holder, Senior Tutorial Officer. Register here

Please note, deferred offer holders are more than welcome to attend these online sessions, but there is a chance that information shared in these sessions may be out of date for your matriculation year.

For those unable to attend, we will try and share a summary of the session with you. 

Important dates & deadlines





What we need


By when

Offer Decision

Reply to UCAS


All students


You must record a firm acceptance / insurance / decline decision for your Cambridge offer with UCAS.


The deadline can be found on theUCAS website

Academic Conditions

Examination certificates (documents showing all grades and scores) for qualifications declared in your application as already achieved!


All students


Copies of certificates or statements showing all results on your UCAS form  / My Cambridge Application. Email directly to: undergraduate.admissions@kings.cam.ac.uk


As soon as possible

Changes to exam entries


Students with any change to information in your application about exams you have yet to take.


If you are considering any changes to exams you stated that you would be taking this summer on your UCAS form, you must request permission from the Admissions Tutor before making a change via:  undergraduate.admissions@kings.cam.ac.uk


As soon as possible

Exam results not processed by UCAS (mostly international examination results)


All students with a conditional offer and qualifications which are not processed by UCAS (see list of qualifications processed by UCAS)


A copy of your official results document and a translation if appropriate (by you is fine). If the document does not state the specific results required by your offer please ask a teacher to confirm what you achieved in the terms we asked for it.


As soon as they are released to you

English Language Conditions

English Language requirement


Students for whom this condition has been set in the offer letter.


Look at what is required on your offer letter to verify 


As soon as possible. Deadline: 31 August.

Financial Conditions

Confirmation of HOME status


UK HOME students


For HOME eligibility, UK home students must apply to the appropriate agency and provide the requested document.


As soon as you receive the documents after applying. 

Home Financial guarantee


UK students


Completed Financial Guarantee Declaration form & any supporting financial documents. This form will be emailed to you by the Financial Tutor in April before you start your course.


Deadline will be found on your offer letter. 

Financial guarantee outside the UK


Students from EU and overseas


Completed Financial Guarantee Declaration form & supporting financial documents. This form will be emailed to you in April before you start your course.


Deadline will be found on your offer letter. 

Visa Conditions

Meet all the conditions of your offer and send relevant documentation


Offer-holders who will need a visa


All offer holders have financial conditions and must send required documentation requested by the Admissions Office. If your offer also has academic conditions, we cannot issue a CAS until you have met all offer conditions.


Deadlines will be shared by the Admissions Office 

Apply for ATAS clearance if relevant and send a copy of the certificate to King's.


Offer-holders for science and technology subjects.


You will receive an email from the international students' team in May / June which you need to act on.


As soon as possible after you receive the email.

Apply for Tier 4 visa (see website)


Offer-holders who have met all the conditions of their offer and received a CAS from Cambridge.


The International Student Team begin to issue the CAS from June. You will need to be patient waiting - the office has a lot to process.


When you can apply depends on which country you are from.

Once you are in Cambridge: Collect your visa (BRP)


Offer-holders who need a visa


Read the information about where to collect your visa (Biometric Residence Permit) from.


As soon as possible once you have arrived in Cambridge, UK.

Show original copies of your school-leaving certificates.


Offer-holders who need a visa


You will be asked to take original copies of your school-leaving certificates to King's Tutorial office (F2, Gibbs' Building).


In freshers' week when you arrive at King's.

Accessibility and Disability support, Interruptions to your Studies and Exam Disruption

Advice and support for students with a disability or other accessibility need


Students with a disability or accessibility requirement which they did not highlight in their application.


We encourage you to submit a student information form to the Accessibility and Disability Resource Centre who provide confidential help and advice. We are also always happy to for you to contact King's.


At any time. Please submit the form in advance, as it allows the process of putting support in place to begin.

Significant interruptions to your studies after January.


Students who become ill or have their studies this year affected for another reason.


We encourage you to ask a teacher to email us to keep us informed.


As soon as possible, if and when required.

Problems and interruptions in examinations


Students who encounter a problem in an exam (e.g. school or exam board mistakes).


We encourage you to ask a teacher to email us to keep us informed.


As soon as possible, if and when required.

Music Award Applications

Choral Award application


Any offer holder interested in singing for King's College Choir  or King's Voices.


Completed Choral Award form. The form is available to download on the right of the University Choral Awards page.


Deadlines can be found here

Choral Award reference


Any offer holder interested in singing for King's College Choir or King's Voices.


Completed Choral Award reference form. The form is available to download on the right of the University Choral Awards page.


Deadlines can be found here.

Instrumental Award


Interested offer-holders with Grade VIII distinction / equivalent in Piano, Violin, Viola, Cello, Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon or French horn.


Completed Instrumental Award application form.


Deadlines can be found here

Accommodation and other Freshers' Forms



Freshers receive the accommodation form and further information and forms for joining the College in late August / early September.


There is nothing to do for accommodation before you receive freshers' information. Rooms are allocated in September, after exam results for all conditional offer holders have been received.


by a date in early September to be confirmed in your freshers' letter.

Contact Details

Changes to contact details


If your mailing address, phone number or email address change.


Update details on UCAS Track and also send King's an email with the new information.


As soon as your details change.

International Students

If your examinations are not in the list of results UCAS receives (and passes on to us), please scan and email a document showing your official results when you receive it (or post a photocopy if you can't do that). The document you send must be a clear copy and must specifically state any subjects and grades we have asked for in your academic offer. If we have asked you for something not directly stated on the document you receive, please ask a teacher at your school to send us specific confirmation on school letter-headed paper that you have achieved the relevant grades or scores. If your results document is not in English, please also provide a translation (a translation by you is fine). If your exams are listed in the UCAS list, you do not need to do anything. Many thanks!

If you have met your academic offer conditions, congratulations! Nothing will happen now until we have all exam results after A-level results are published (mid August). We will write to all conditional offer holders at the same time in August to confirm places. Please ensure that you re-read your offer letter and the offer-holders' checklist and ensure that you have met any non-academic conditions as well. Please do not worry about UCAS Track (which will not update for some time) - what matters is that you have met all the conditions set out in your offer letter. If you will need a visa, see the visa section on the checklist.

If you have not met your academic offer conditions, please stay calm. We will write as soon as possible after receiving the results for all our offer holders in mid-August. As you know, we base all decisions on our judgement of the academic promise of a candidate, and on the application as a whole. We may be able to admit some candidates who have missed their offers very narrowly. There is no need for you to act before we contact you. We are happy to receive a letter of support from your school at the normal email address if they have anything to add to the original UCAS reference they wrote for you. 

I've Received my Exam Results - What Next?

If you have met the requirements of your offer, congratulations! In most cases UCAS Track will update accordingly and you will receive an email from the Admissions Team shortly afterwards. 

If you have not met the academic offer conditions set out in your January offer letter, please stay calm. As you know, we base all decisions on our judgement of your academic promise, as reflected by your application as a whole. We will be in touch with you as soon as we can.

UCAS Track is your first source of information. Please check it to see if a decision has been made on your application before contacting us. If UCAS Track has not yet updated, we are still considering your application. As soon as our decision is finalised, UCAS Track will update.

If you are an A-Level student and we are still considering your application, please scan and email us your UMS marks as quickly as possible on Results Day. If you have missed a STEP offer, please send us your UMS grades even if you have met your A-Level conditions. We are happy to receive a letter of support from your school if they have anything to add to the original UCAS reference they wrote for you. Any letters from your school should be sent by email. All emails should be sent to us a undergraduate.admissions@kings.cam.ac.uk, please include your full name, your subject and your UCAS ID.

We will email you when we can. This will normally come after UCAS Track updates. Although we will do our best to keep you informed, it may not be possible to email you straight away.

Please be aware that, in order to preserve the integrity of our admissions processes, the College will not accept any gift from a prospective applicants, and/or anyone, including friends or family members, where that gift is made in reference to, or could reasonably be interpreted to be in reference to, an actual or intended application by them to the College.

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