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Applicant Information 2024

After 15 October, King's applicants for 2025 and 2026 entry will receive an email directing them to this page. If you are an applicant, please add our email address to your safe senders list to ensure our emails do not land in your SPAM folder.  

Thank you for submitting a UCAS form and applying to King’s. Below and in the sub-pages of this section, you will find the information you need for the next stages in the application process. This Applicant Information section is now your main source of information until January. Please read the page and links carefully, bookmark this page, and refer back to it regularly.

Current notes for applicants:

Welcome to the Applicant Information section!

We encourage you to help us to help you by:

  • Reading this section thoroughly to see if your question has already been answered.
  • Starting every email with your name (exactly as you wrote it on the UCAS form), course applied for (including 'Biological' or 'Physical' if Natural Sciences and UCAS number (10 digits, please write without the dashes).
  • Sending an email rather than phoning (we can answer your query more efficiently that way).

We don't want to discourage you from getting in touch if there is something that you need to know, but please bear in mind that time spent answering your queries is time not spent working on your applications and interview schedules. So reading through these pages thoroughly before emailing is always a good idea, as you may find the information you are looking for here. Many thanks!

The Application Process

Please ensure that you have read the 'Application Process' page thoroughly; it sets out the procedures you need to go through from beginning to end. You should also regularly check your emails, at the email address that you supplied on your UCAS form, for correspondence rom the College. In particular, we sent you a very important email shortly after the 16 October deadline with the subject line "King's College, Cambridge: important information for applicants". If you do not read that email carefully, you may be at a disadvantage.

Thinking of applying to King's? See here for a breakdown of the process, from submitting your UCAS application to receiving your offer.

After submitting the UCAS form

(Information for Period from 15 October 2024 to 22 October 2024)

After submitting your UCAS form, within 48 hours you will be sent a link to an additional online questionnaire, called My Cambridge Application. The deadline for this additional questionnaire is 6pm UK time on 22 October. This is a firm deadline and we will not be able to consider your application if you submit the form late. Our advice is to try and not leave things to the last minute and submit your additional Cambridge questionnaire sooner rather than later. The sooner you submit your UCAS application, the more time you have to submit this additional Cambridge form, so do take this into account. 

A few days after the deadline of 15th October, we will also send an email to applicants who have chosen King's College on their UCAS application. This email will include information on how to submit written work and other documents. Please do look out for this email and check your SPAM folder.

If you have any questions about submitting this firm, please see the link below for information and contact details for the relevant helpdesk.

After Submitting your My Cambridge Application questionnaire

(Information for period from 23 October 2024 - mid-November 2024)

It is essential for all King's candidates to read the pre-interview notes for candidates page very carefully and take whatever action is required. You may be at a disadvantage if you do not read these notes. The pre-interview notes contain information about written work that you may have to send in to arrive by 4 November 2023, as well as details of admissions assessments, interviews, and any additional things you need to do for your subject.


Deadline what who detail
22 October 2024, 6pm UK time My Cambridge Application All applicants (your application will not be valid without this!)

Having submitted your UCAS form you will receive an email from the central office giving you log-in details for My Cambridge Application. If you have not received this by the 17th October please check your junk / spam filters in case it has gone there. If not, please contact the dedicated My Cambridge Application helpdesk: applicationhelp@admin.cam.ac.uk

22 October 2024

Adjustment form If you have ticked the disability disclosure box on UCAS and/or if you are normally in receipt of adjustment for school exams

If you receive adjustments for exams we will need to know some details. If you don’t receive adjustment but have disclosed a Disability/Specific Learning Difficulties/long-term illness, please submit this form nevertheless to let us know that you do not need any adjustments.

If you have selected the disability box on UCAS by accident, please do still get in touch letting us know so that we are not chasing you for an adjustment form.

22 October 2024

Extenuating Circumstances Form If relevant for you Have you been ill, had problems with your schooling, or had your studies interrupted in any way? Please read about the Extenuating Circumstances form if relevant - we will need this information in order to assess you fairly. The link to the ECF is here: https://www.undergraduate.study.cam.ac.uk/applying/our-decision/extenuating-circumstances-form
1 November 2024 UMS form Applicants taking modular A levels. If you are taking modular A levels, please contact us. 
14 November 2024 Fee status form   Only applicants for the medicine course need to submit this. If you are a UK Medicine applicant this is still a requirement. (You can find the form in the links below)
1 November 2024 Written work and coversheet(s) If relevant for your subject (please check if you are unsure!)

Please read the written work page for details of which subjects require written work, what is needed and guidelines (including details of how and where to send it).

1 November 2023 Portfolio Applicants for Architecture and Design

Please upload your sample artwork (as a single 6-page PDF). Please note that this PDF must be less than 15MB in size.


These notes are for current King's applicants, to be read in the context of the Applicant Information 2023.
Candidates for some subjects are required to submit written work as part of the application process - see more here.

Invitation to Interviews with King's

At King’s, we interview a large proportion of the students who apply to us. These interviews take place during the first, and sometimes second, week of December, so please do block these dates off in your diaries. If you are being invited to interview, you will usually receive an interview invitation in the second or third week of November (although, occasionally, we can send invitations earlier or later). This invitation will include a reply form, in which you can include various information relevant to the interview process (see below).

If you are not invited, we will also let you know in November. Dates for interview decisions to be sent range from early to late November, depending on the subject you have applied for. Other Colleges may send information at other times. Please do not chase us, if you have heard from someone applying elsewhere that they have already heard about an interview. We will contact you when we have scheduled interviews at King's. 

Interview Format

From 2024 onwards, all applicants, whether they are based in the UK or Overseas, will undertake an interview in-person in King's College, Cambridge. If a candidate knows they would be unable to travel to Cambridge for an exceptional reason they must let us know via the survey that will be sent to all applicants following submission of their application. We are willing to consider remote interviews in these circumstances, but it is up to the candidate to explain why such an accommodation is required. Reasons that may be considered exceptional for this purpose include health/disability, Visa constraints, and/or affordability of travel (although see below for support with travel costs for UK based candidates). Please note: If you are requesting an online interview, you may be asked to submit supporting documentation, such as evidence of household income, or details about the costs of your travel.

The orientation and aims of the interview are the same, regardless of format, and students will not be disadvantaged in any way by the format of their interview. Nor will candidates be disadvantaged in the Winter Pool, by reason of the interview format used by their college of application.

Accommodation and Meals

If you are coming to King’s for your interview, and it is not possible for you to make the round trip to Cambridge in a single day, we may be able to offer you free overnight accommodation as well as dinner (on your day of arrival) and breakfast (on the day of your interview) in College. We are only able to offer accommodation to applicants and not to any accompanying parents, guardians or friends. Candidates who need overnight accommodation should let us know using the reply form included with the email interview invitation. We only offer accommodation on the night before the interview.

Candidates who are eligible for Free School Meals will be able to eat lunch for free, using the King’s servery, regardless of whether or not they are staying in College overnight. These candidates can pick up a voucher from the Students’ Help Desk when they sign in. In addition, our Student Helpers will run daily trips to Sainsbury’s at 12 noon for any student (including FSM students who would prefer not to eat in the servery) interested in purchasing their lunch in advance of interview. These trips will depart at 12 noon from the Porters’ Lodge.

Traveling to Cambridge

If you are invited for an in person interview, you will need to make your own way to Cambridge. We can't provide support in looking for connections or booking trains etc.

There is no parking available at King’s. Parking in the centre of Cambridge is very expensive, there’s a lot of one-way streets and bus gates which could get you fined if you drive down those, so if driving we would recommend using one of the many park and rides around the city.

The entrance to King’s College is on King’s Parade, the postcode is CB2 1ST. On google maps it is about opposite Fudge Kitchen, and on What3Words it is ///headed.master.evenly.

Travel Costs

As traveling to Cambridge can be costly, we are willing to reimburse eligible UK students in respect of travel costs for public transport, on the proviso that students make use of the least costly option. UK students are eligible for reimbursement if they are a UK student and any of the following apply: (i) they are eligible for free school meals, (ii) they are from a family with an income of below £30,000, (iii) they are estranged from their family, or (iv) they are in local authority care. If this applies, the candidate will be able to indicate their eligibility in their interview invitation reply form. You will be asked to submit appropriate evidence, which will be kept confidential from your interviewers throughout the admissions process. Candidates must then send us an online or paper receipt, along with their bank details, and we will reimburse them as soon as possible. We are unable to reimburse travel costs for non-UK-based applicants. 


This page is for King's applicants who have been invited for interview in Cambridge and will sit a t

Decisions for all Applicants

Decisions for all applicants will be made in January.

24th January 2024: We will send decision emails to all King's College applicants who had been invited to interview. Please note that this will take some time - some of you will not receive your email until the evening. Please check your SPAM folder before chasing us for missing emails. This is a University-wide communication date.

The Cambridge Admissions website has information about the possible outcomes.

Contacting King's Admissions Office

To enable us to work efficiently, we ask you to start all emails / letters with the following information:

  • Your full name (as you wrote it on your UCAS form: please do not use alternative or shortened names)
  • Your subject (including 'Biological' or 'Physical' if it is Natural Sciences)
  • Your UCAS Personal ID

We strongly prefer you to contact us by email if possible: undergraduate.admissions@kings.cam.ac.uk.

Other contact details:

Undergraduate Admissions Office
King's College
United Kingdom


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