26th - 27th March 2024
On the theme of freedom.
Working with academics from the disciplines of:
- Archaeology
- Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
- Geography
- History of Art
- Linguistics
- Philosophy
- Theology
Participants in this residential will be given the opportunity, through independent research, academic sessions and group work with peers, to explore how a degree in these subject, might help them to contribute to the process of providing answers to the big questions of the future.
The residential will combine a series of workshops, and group activities, that will:
(1) demonstrate the variety of careers to which a degree in these ‘small subjects’ can lead, helping to show that one can do more with a History of Art, AMES (etc) degree than become a teacher of these subjects;
(2) demonstrate these apparently niche disciplines are actually at the heart of some of the biggest contemporary issues of today; and
(3) demonstrate the value of inter-disciplinary work, and thus, the benefits that a University Education which provides opportunities for such work, can bring.
- interest in inter-disciplinary study
- attendance at a UK state school
- Year 12 England and Wales, Year 13 Northern Ireland, S5 Scotland
In case we are over-subscribed, we will make selections based on our Widening Participation Policy.
To apply:
If you have any questions, please email us at: