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King's alumni recognised in Queen's Birthday Honours

Three King's alumni have been recognised in the Queen's Birthday Honours for 2022.


Research examines impact of tourism and climate change on Antarctic biodiversity

College Research Associate Jasmine Lee’s research focuses on the impact of human activity, non-native species, pollution, and climate change on Antarctica. 


King's student elected as Labour councillor

MPhil student Joseph Vambe has been elected to Southwark Council


Fiona Godlee to deliver 'Sermon Before the University'

King's Bye-Fellow Fiona Godlee's address will be on the topic of public health and climate change.


2022 Gates Cambridge Scholars announced

Seven graduate students will be coming to King's in Michaelmas 2022 as part of the Gates Cambridge programme


New portrait of King's Fellow unveiled

The portrait of Professor Dame Caroline Humphrey is the first of three portraits to be painted as part of the College's 50th anniversary of the admission of women

H E Durham Fund 2022

Applications are open for small grants for projects related to the life sciences.


King's Access Bus heads north for first time since 2019

Six student volunteers have paid a visit to 25 schools in and around Middlesbrough to talk to Year 10 school students about studying at University.


King's accommodation commended in construction awards

The renovation of Old Garden Hostel has been commended by the Greater Cambridge Design and Construction Awards.

King's College Chapel lit in the colours of the Ukrainian flag

Statement from the Provost regarding the conflict in Ukraine

The College has launched a fund for displaced doctoral students and refugee scholars.