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The Telephone Fundraising Campaign begins 18 March

The 2019 Telephone Fundraising Campaign will kick off in a couple of weeks.

What did you love about your time at King’s? Was it the vibrant, nonconformist atmosphere? Being supported and challenged by your tutors and friends? Having the freedom to pursue passions outside of your studies?

Whatever you remember best, your time at King’s will have undoubtedly shaped your character, your career and your future. In the coming weeks, one of our students will give you a call to ask you to support our Supplementary Exhibition Fund and other College initiatives which give prospective and current King’s students the opportunity to flourish – both academically and as independent, thoughtful people.

You may have already received a postcard from us regarding the upcoming campaign, with lovely photos of our team of student callers on the front. These students will be attempting to contact you over the next few weeks to talk about what our aims are for the future and how the growing number of donations from our Non-Resident Members are helping us to educate the next generation of brilliant young minds, regardless of background or financial circumstance.

These donations make a huge difference to the lives of our students: whether they are funding scholarships which made Cambridge possible for students in the first place or improving access to mental health counselling, they are vital contributions to the College’s future.

If you would prefer to donate online please see the links below. More details about the individual funds can be found here.


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