King’s is delighted to announce the appointment of Mrs Yvette Day as the new Head of King’s College School, Cambridge. She will also take on the title and role of Master Over the Choristers, an historical title referring to the responsibility for the education and care of the boys who have sung in the College Choir since the College's foundation by King Henry VI. Yvette Day is currently Head of The Chorister School Durham. She was educated in South Africa and in England, and has taught at both secondary and preparatory levels. She holds an M.Mus degree in Historical Musicology from the University of London and more recently completed a Law Conversion course with The College of Law. She is married to Andrew Day, Executive Director of the Northumberland Church of England Academy. Mrs Day succeeds Mr Nicholas Robinson, who retires after nineteen successful years as Head. During that time the School has grown substantially. Mr Robinson said: “It has been a real pleasure to lead such a wonderful school and to see it flourish over the years. I know Yvette well from my work with the Choir Schools’ Association and I am delighted to be handing over the reins to an excellent successor.” Based in the centre of Cambridge, King’s College School is a leading independent prep school with 420 boys and girls aged 4 – 13, including 16 choristers who sing in King’s College Choir. The School is large enough to provide a full range of options and facilities, but small enough to give a 'family feel'. It enjoys an excellent academic reputation, with a pleasing number of leavers winning scholarships to senior schools in various disciplines. Yvette Day said, “I am delighted and honoured to be taking up this position and look forward to working with staff, children and the school community in building on the many successes of King's College School." Professor Michael Proctor, Provost of King’s College, said, “Yvette is taking on a school that has gone from strength to strength in recent years, and she will be an inspiration to staff and pupils in the next phase of its history." Mrs Day will take up the post in January 2018.