Sunday's Evensong was in memory of David Briggs (KC 1936), the former Headmaster of the King's College School who died in 2020 at the age of 102.
King's alumna and CEO of Crisis Action, Nicola Reindorp, gave the annual address on 'the importance of doubt'.
King's Director of Research Tim Griffin has been elected as a Labour Councillor.
Study by Amy Rochford and researchers at the Department of Engineering shows how a new type of neural implant could restore limb function to amputees.
The internationally renowned conductor will be leading the first 20 minutes of music at the coronation of King Charles on 6 May at Westminster Abbey.
Five graduate students will be coming to King's in Michaelmas Term as part of the 2023 cohort of Gates Cambridge.
Students Luca Ferraro and Janeska de Jonge helped Cambridge complete a clean sweep over Oxford in the 2023 Races.
A new study from King's Fellow Ashley Moffett and her colleagues has mapped the complete trajectory of placental development.
The study carried out by Ash Simkins examines human developments in important sites for biodiversity.
A small team of conservators is treating more than 30 paintings from the College's art collection.