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Protecting our Heritage

King’s, like so many other Cambridge Colleges, must not only preserve its historic rooms and buildings in which so many of our great thinkers have studied, taught, and been inspired; but also ensure that its remarkable collections and cultural heritage are protected and developed for the generations to come.

King’s is immeasurably privileged to be on a historic site at the heart of Cambridge, with buildings of unsurpassed beauty and architectural importance. But with this privilege comes a responsibility to protect and enhance what has been bequeathed to us, and to make it fit for the next generation.

The Gibbs Building is a Grade I listed, world-class heritage asset which marks its 300th anniversary in 2024. Central to the life of the College, it continues to be where many Fellows research and teach, and often represents the first encounter with King’s for prospective students. Following an external renovation in recent years, the interior of Gibbs is in urgent need of restoration and refurbishment.

The building most associated with King’s is the Chapel - one of the world’s most recognisable buildings, the conservation and maintenance of whose fabric is a constant ongoing need. It is also home to one of the world’s most renowned and best-loved choirs, whose distinctive sound is shaped by the Chapel’s unique acoustics and organ. Maintaining the Choir’s exceptional tradition of excellence and the provision of education to the Choristers is a considerable ongoing cost.


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Your support helps to fund the education of our choristers, as well as supporting the Choir's concerts, tours and recordings.
The Chapel is the spiritual home of the College and a place of untold inspiration for the millions who tune into our radio and television broadcasts.
The site of inspiring supervisions and nerve-wracking interviews, the Gibbs Building is in urgent need of repair and renovation.
As well as preserving many rare treasures, the Library and Archives together serve the needs of students and senior members of the College.

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Supporting King’s

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