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A. Introduction to Archives

This first section of the website gives you an overview of how to use archives. You can jump to any section, but we recommend you work through them in order.

letter with Chapel in the background

1. What are Archives?

Royal Letters Patent granting an annuity of one tun (252 gallons) of wine in King's Lynn or London. 7 February 1446. Archive Centre, King’s College, Cambridge. KC/62 (recto)

2. Key Principles


3. Where are the Records?

Did You Know? The National Archives has undertaken a survey entitled ‘Accessions to Repositories’ every...
Screenshot from ArchiveSpace

4. Archival Catalogues

Letter from E.M. Forster to Rupert Brooke, 15 October 1910. Archive Centre, King’s College, Cambridge. RCB/L/1/22

5. Using the Reading Room

So now you know where to find the documents you want to read. What next?...

6. Restrictions

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