
Questions of analysis and interpretation, logical reasoning, ethical judgment, political liberty and social control: Law at Cambridge allows undergraduates to see law in its historical and social contexts, and to examine its general principles and techniques. Although our course (referred to elsewhere as LLB) is primarily concerned with English law, there are opportunities to study other legal systems, including civil (Roman) law, EU law and international law. You can also study theoretical and sociological aspects of law such as jurisprudence or parts of criminology.

Important information about changes to the application process for Law in 2022: 

Applicants for Law will need to take a pre-registration required assessment at an authorised test centre local to them.

All applicants for Law are required to take the National Admissions Test for Law (LNAT). Full details on how to register for the LNAT can be found on the LNAT website.

Applicants for Law must take the LNAT by no later than 15 October 2022.  You can register for the LNAT from 1 August to 15 September 2022, and the LNAT can be taken from 1 September 2022.


Course Structure

Cambridge is generally accepted as having one of the strongest law faculties in the country. As well as covering the 'core subjects' constitutional and administrative law, contract, criminal law, equity, EU law, land law and tort – which you will read wherever you study law in order to gain full exemption from the academic stage of the Bar and the Law Society examinations, Cambridge offers you the opportunity to explore very diverse areas of the law, from French law to medical law and from labour law to law and philosophy.

The Cambridge system of university lectures complemented by small group teaching in supervisions with specialists in each subject from various colleges enables the wider issues that lie behind the "rules element" of law to be discussed and evaluated. Supervisions also give you the opportunity to sort out particular difficulties, get advice and assistance on legal problem-solving and develop your skills in legal reasoning, writing and discussion in a non-hostile environment.


Law at Cambridge

Undergraduate students and staff talk about studying Law at the University of Cambridge. To find out more about this course, see Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this video is accurate at the time it was uploaded, changes are likely to occur. It is therefore very important that you check the University and College websites for any updates before you apply for the course by visiting and…

Law at King's

The "King's approach to law" continues to focus on encouraging students to think critically about the role of law within the political, economic and moral system, as well as mastering the necessary tools of legal reasoning and analysis. With about 5-6 places in law each year, the King's lawyers form a friendly and supportive community and are carefully supported in their studies by the supervisors and Director of Studies. Students normally have one hour-long supervision a fortnight for each examination subject, with supervisions varying both in form and content. "Problem questions" (i.e. questions about how the law would apply to a set of facts) may be considered, points raised in lectures discussed, and advice given on further reading. Supervisors frequently set written work for supervisions (usually five per subject over the academic year) and give detailed constructive feedback to ensure that legal issues are approached in the appropriate manner.

King's has produced a number of extremely distinguished lawyers and members of the judiciary. Our alumni include Lord Phillips, the current President of the UK Supreme Court (also an Honorary Fellow of the College); Lord Clarke, a Justice of the Supreme Court and former Master of the Rolls; Eleanor Sharpston QC, the UK's Advocate General at the European Court of Justice; Sir David Calvert Smith, Head of the Parole Board; Alexandra Wrage, an expert on anti-bribery compliance and president of TRACE; and Sir Patrick Elias, a Lord Justice of Appeal.

It is not unusual for students in other subjects to change to law later in the degree: for many years, King's students have come to law successfully from a range of other disciplines, such as Modern and Medieval Languages, Natural Sciences, HSPS and Economics. "Pure" lawyers therefore share supervisions and talk informally with others who have changed into law, whose different perspectives, difficulties and strengths usually make for lively and wide-ranging discussion. As well as more informal discussion in College, King's College Law Society (KCLS) organises a number of social and academic events for students interested in Law (whether or not they are studying it).

Fellows at King's in Law:

ProfessorHenningGrosse Ruse-Khan
Professorial Fellow

International intellectual property protection; world trade and investment law; interfaces among distinct legal orders in international law.

Professorial Fellow

International law; maritime law; the global commons; population and resources; energy and non-proliferation; human rights law.

Ordinary Fellow, Admissions Tutor

Labour law; legal methodology, social ontology, corporate governance, private law, European Union law.

Applying for Law at King's

We welcome applications from candidates who look able to meet our entrance requirements from all kinds of schools all over the world. Every year we interview applicants from a very wide range of backgrounds. We usually admit 5 or 6 Law students each year, although numbers do vary.

Minimum offer level 

A level: A*AA

IB: 41-42 points, with 776 at Higher Level   


Subject requirements 

While we don't ask for any specific subjects to apply to Law, we would recommend certain subjects for a strong application:  

  • English (language or literature)
  • History
  • Languages (ancient or modern)


While we accept candidates who took Law A level, there is no advantage to taking Law at school.

We are looking for is a clear logical mind, a willingness to think through and argue a case, and the ability to assimilate, condense and use large quantities of information. Law is quintessentially a language-based subject, so the ability to speak and write coherently and precisely is vital. At least one essay-based subject at school would be useful.

Written Assessments

Applicants for Law will need to take a pre-registration required assessment at an authorised test centre local to them.

All applicants for Law are required to take the National Admissions Test for Law (LNAT). Full details on how to register for the LNAT can be found on the LNAT website.

Applicants for Law must take the LNAT by no later than 16 October 2023.  You can register for the LNAT from 1 August to 15 September 2023, and the LNAT can be taken from 1 September 2023.

See Admission assessments for further details.

Your performance in the written assessment will not be considered in isolation, but will be taken into account alongside the other elements of your application.

Written Work

You will not be asked to submit any written work as part of your application to King's.


Interviews normally last up to 25 minutes, and you will be asked to collect and read a text in the half hour before your interview to be discussed with the interviewers.

Thinking of applying to Cambridge? See here for details of how to apply, and why King's might be the right College for you.
Find out about how to register for your written assessment and see specimen papers from previous years.
Candidates for some subjects are required to submit written work as part of the application process - see more here.
It's completely normal to be nervous about coming to interview, but here's some practical advice about how to prepare for the process.

Reading, Resources and Events

There are no particular books that Law applicants are required to read, but you may find the introductory reading suggestions useful below.

Other events which may be of interest in the year before you apply (year 12 in the UK) include Oxford and Cambridge Student Conferences, CU Masterclasses, the Cambridge Sixth Form Law Conference, the annual Law Faculty Open Day and King's Open Days. Students from backgrounds where there is little tradition of entry to Higher Education might like to think about applying for the Sutton Trust Summer Schools or the CUSU Shadowing Scheme.

Dr Zoe Adams, Admissions Tutor and Law Fellow has recorded a walk through of a problem question (please see accompanying handout in 'Downloads') and some top tips for writing a Law Essay. These are valuable preparation for those considering studying Law and those preparing for assessments and interviews. 

How to deal with a Problem Question

Dr Zoe Adams, Admissions Tutor and Law Fellow at King's College, Cambridge University walks through a problem question.

How to Write a Law Essay

Dr Zoe Adams, Admissions Tutor and Law Fellow at King's College, Cambridge University gives tips on how to write like a lawyer.

Preparatory reading for applicants who have already been given an offer, or prospective students thinking of applying.
Find out more about our Open Days, visiting King's at other times and informal meetings with our Admissions team, or take the virtual tour!

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