We are delighted to announce the launch of ‘Mindsets’, the new King’s Entrepreneurship Lab (E-Lab) blog series.
This blog aims to showcase the inspiring people, research and innovation with which the E-Lab is associated, to create a space for reflection, and to spark new ideas.
In the first post of the blog, ‘Mindsets’ Editor Sophie Harbour, says:
Our mindsets shape how we make sense of the world and guide our approach to challenges. I think that we are best equipped to develop powerful mindsets when we share with, learn from and collaborate across the diverse networks that the E-Lab nurtures.
‘Mindsets’ is currently accepting submissions of short posts (around 800 words) which include reflections on events hosted by the E-Lab, opinion pieces on entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial mindset for societal challenges and examples of entrepreneurial activity in different fields. While the brief is flexible, the content must be tied in some way to entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial mindset. Submissions from all are welcome.
Get in touch with the Editor with your submissions or for further information.