A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols, on Christmas Eve, was originally conceived
as a gift to the City of Cambridge, and it remains a gift from the College to the wider
world. Members of the public are warmly invited to join members of College, and their
personal guests, at this service. We now operate a ticketing system for this service; if you
wish to attend, please come to the College early on Christmas Eve morning, with some
photographic identification. We will begin distributing tickets at approximately
7.00am. Each ticket will be for a specific seat in Chapel and valid only for the person who
collects it. As the number of tickets is limited, you are advised to arrive in good time.
Those who do receive tickets will be invited to come back after 1.30pm to gain admission
to the Chapel. Only one ticket will be given per person: approximately 500 will be
Please note that, for this service, members of the congregation should not bring anything larger
than a small handbag with them to the Chapel.