
The College distributes various publications for alumni and friends, both online and in hard copy. If you would like to receive emails with the latest College news, event invitations and more, or would like to be sent our biannual magazine, King's Parade or our Annual Report, do please get in touch so that we can update your details and ensure our publications are sent to your preferred address.

The Annual Report provides a yearly update on life at King's, its newly-appointed Fellows and ongoing research and developments.
All alumni and friends receive a copy of the annual Philanthropy Report, detailing the impact donations have on the College and its community.
King's Parade is our biannual alumni magazine, with features and interviews with current students, Fellows and alumni.
Our e-newsletters contain the latest College news and upcoming events.

Members and Friends News

2024 Rylands Art Prizes awarded

Teddy Graham has been awarded first prize for his work 'Surrogate', with second prize going to Em Dirs and a joint third for Eden Hogston and John Palmer.


New sculpture celebrates the legacy of Alan Turing

A new work by Sir Antony Gormley has been officially unveiled at King’s College Cambridge. The sculpture, titled 'True, for Alan Turing', stands 3.7 meters tall and sits at the heart of the College, between Gibbs Building and Webb’s Court.


‘Mini-placentas’ help scientists understand the causes of pre-eclampsia and pregnancy disorders

King’s Fellow Ashley Moffett and colleagues have grown ‘mini-placentas’ in the lab and used them to shed light on how the placenta develops and interacts with the inner lining of the womb.

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