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Opening Times

King's College is a working College and Chapel. Consequently there are occasions when it is not possible to visit or opening times are changed at short notice. Please check below for the latest information about opening times, services and Chapel closures.

The opening days and times below are for visiting the Chapel in a leisure capacity.  If you are interested in attending a service in the Chapel, please click here for Chapel service times and booking information.

Resident Pass holders are welcome to access the grounds during Chapel sightseeing open hours.  When the Chapel is not open to visitors, the grounds are closed to non-College members.  For more information, please click here.

If you wish to book in advance, please click here. 

Plan Your Visit

We are delighted to announce that the Chapel is open to visitors, and members of...
The Chapel Fund

Visit King's FAQs

Where can I buy tickets? Can we attend Evensong? Do you welcome group visits? Read...

Attending Chapel Services

A very wide range of people come to services in King's College Chapel for a...

Listen to Music at King's

From choir concerts to organ recitals, there are regular occasions to come and enjoy wonderful...



New sculpture celebrates the legacy of Alan Turing

A new work by Sir Antony Gormley has been officially unveiled at King’s College Cambridge....


‘Mini-placentas’ help scientists understand the causes of pre-eclampsia and pregnancy disorders

King’s Fellow Ashley Moffett and colleagues have grown ‘mini-placentas’ in the lab and used them...


First E-Lab Social Venture Residential begins

In collaboration with the Mastercard Foundation programme and the Cambridge Centre for Social Innovation at...

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