The Student Welfare and Mental Health Fund

The Student Welfare and Mental Health Fund

Pressures on students in Cambridge are greater than ever. The King’s Student Welfare and Mental Health Fund provides a programme of care and activities including specialist advice and therapy not available through central University services, so that our students can access the help they need, when they need it.

Donations to this fund allow us to create a programme of care and activities directed at the welfare and mental health of resident students.
From supporting our access and outreach programme to providing financial assistance for the Chapel and Choir, see our range of giving opportunities here.  

Members and Friends News

2024 Rylands Art Prizes awarded

Teddy Graham has been awarded first prize for his work 'Surrogate', with second prize going to Em Dirs and a joint third for Eden Hogston and John Palmer.


New sculpture celebrates the legacy of Alan Turing

A new work by Sir Antony Gormley has been officially unveiled at King’s College Cambridge. The sculpture, titled 'True, for Alan Turing', stands 3.7 meters tall and sits at the heart of the College, between Gibbs Building and Webb’s Court.


‘Mini-placentas’ help scientists understand the causes of pre-eclampsia and pregnancy disorders

King’s Fellow Ashley Moffett and colleagues have grown ‘mini-placentas’ in the lab and used them to shed light on how the placenta develops and interacts with the inner lining of the womb.

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