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King's College, Cambridge Enterprises Ltd Publication Scheme

Freedom of Information Act (2000)

The seven classes of information listed below form the model publication scheme (MPS) devised by the Information Commissioner’s Office for use from September 2013. This webpage comprises the King’s College, Cambridge Enterprises Ltd publication scheme according to this model.

For schemes pertaining to the College or its other subsidiary company, or for general information about the publication schemes for the College and its subsidiary companies (such as how to get copies of the information listed below, how our fees are charged, and complaints procedures) go to the general webpage about our Publication Schemes.

If the information you seek is not listed in the publication scheme, you should still ask about it. See section 5 of the general webpage on Publication Schemes.

Main categories

The main classes of information in the MPS are:

  1. Who we are and what we do
  2. What we spend and how we spend it
  3. What our priorities are and how we are doing
  4. How we make decisions
  5. Our policies and procedures
  6. Lists and registers
  7. The services we offer



A. Who We Are and What We Do

King’s College Cambridge Enterprises Ltd. (KCCE) handles the commercial operations of King’s College, Cambridge, specifically the external catering, wine management and the Shop at King's. It exists to maximise any taxation advantages available to the College.

KCCE is a Private Limited Company, registered at Companies House (company number 01430671), and is wholly owned by King’s College, Cambridge. Its publication scheme should be read in the context of the publication scheme for King’s College, Cambridge. It was incorporated on 18 June 1979.

The Directors of KCCE comprise the First Bursar and the Chief Accountant. The company has no employees.

KCCE was formerly known as:

  •  Crealy Burwash Limited (date of change 19 October 1992)

  •  King’s College Chapel Book Shop Limited (date of change 9 March 1994)

  •  King’s College Chapel Shop Limited (date of change 11 July 2000).

The published information regarding KCCE comprises the Memorandum and Articles of Association, Certificate of Incorporation, Resolutions, and the Information about Current Directors, Secretary and Shareholders. These are available in hard copy from the Freedom of Information Officer, or from Companies House in various formats.

A link to the Companies House website can be found below and their postal address is:

Companies House
PO Box 29019
21 Bloomsbury St.
London WC1B 3XD
United Kingdom

B. What We Spend and How We Spend It

The financial year runs from 1 July to 30 June, and audited accounts are published annually. There are no branches associated with this company. There are no overseas interests associated with this company. The Directors receive no remuneration.

The most recent Statement of Accounts, Returns, Current Appointments Report and Directors’ Report are available from Companies House in various formats, for a charge. See section A for contact details for Companies House.



There are no publications relevant to information classes C through G.


Contact Information

For enquiries about this publication scheme contact:

Freedom of Information Officer
King's College
Cambridge CB2 1ST
United Kingdom

Tel: (44) (0)1223 767190

For location and contact details elsewhere in King's College see the Contact Us page below.

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