For prospective students
We advise you to read the Philosophy subject page thoroughly.
For offer holders
No knowledge of Philosophy is presupposed by the course at Cambridge. It is essential, however, to have done some advance reading, and this list is provided for guidance. The aim has been to list mainly works of original philosophy and to list only such works as can (with more or less effort) be understood by people new to the subject. Please do not be discouraged if you find the books difficult. You are welcome to write to us if you would like further guidance or recommendations about subjects not covered here. Texts likely to be in use for first year coursework are marked with a (T).
J L Ackrill, Aristotle the Philosopher. Opus
A J Ayer Language, Truth, and Logic. Penguin
George Berkeley Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous (many editions)
Simon Blackburn Think. Oxford
Simon Blackburn Being Good. Oxford
Tim Crane The Mechanical Mind. Penguin
Rene Descartes Meditations.(many editions)
Ross Harrison Democracy. Routledge
Peter Smith An Introduction to Formal Logic. CUP (T)
D Hume (T) Dialogues concerning Natural Religion. OUP
D Hume Enquiries.OUP
T Kuhn The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Univ of Chicago Press
J S Mill (T) On Liberty. (many editions) (available with Utilitarianism etc in J S Mill, On Liberty and Other Essays, World Classics. Oxford)
T Nagel What Does It All Mean?. OUP
Plato Meno. (many editions)(T) (Available in Protagoras and Meno). Penguin
Graham Priest Logic. Oxford
B Russell The Problems of Philosophy. OUP
R M Sainsbury Paradoxes. CUP
M Budd Values of Art. Penguin
Mary Midgley What is Philosophy for?
Mary Wollstonecraft A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
For more information, please consult the Faculty of Philosophy website via the links below. This includes more reading suggestions for prospective students, Part 1A course outlines and reading lists, and course guide.