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Ian James

Professor Ian James
Official Fellow
Modern and Medieval Languages (French, European Philosophy)

I am a Professor in Modern French Philosophy and Literature in the Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics and Direct Studies at King's for student's in their third year spent abroad.

My research focuses on twentieth-century and contemporary French literature and philosophy. I have worked extensively on contemporary French philosophy and also on the reception in France of German thought. In particular I have engaged with specific thinkers working in the wake of postmodernism and also on the interplay between philosophy and other areas of knowledge (e.g. aesthetics and artistic or literary practice, but also political thought).

I teach second and fourth year papers on twentieth-century and contemporary French literature, film, and thought (FR6, FR12), the fourth year comparative paper, 'The Body' (CS5) , and on the critical theory and modern French courses of our  MPhil in in European, Latin American and Comparative Literatures and Cultures (ELAC).

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