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Godela Weiss-Sussex

Professor Godela Weiss-Sussex
Official Fellow
Modern and Medieval Languages (German)

As a Professorial Fellow at King’s I supervise students across all years in German literature and I am Director of Studies for MMLL students in their second year.  

I am interested in the culture and literature of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, with a particular focus on the following areas: women’s writing, the works of German-Jewish writers produced in Germany and in exile; translingual literary production; and postmigrant writing. 

I am currently working on two projects. One is concerned with exploring the construction of belonging incontemporary German-language writing by Jewish authors who have come to Germany or Austria from the former Soviet Union; the other is concerned with literature produced in exile from Nazi Germany: it seeks to understand the strategies and power of the family novel genre in capturing the history of German Jews.

Recent publications: 

  • Contested Communities: Minor, Minority and Small Literatures in Europe (Oxford: Legenda, 2023; co-edited with Kate Averis and Margaret Littler
  • Georg Hermann, Die daheim blieben, edited and introduced by G. Weiss-Sussex (Wallstein, 2023)
  • Barbara Honigmann (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2023; co-edited with Robert Gillett);
  • Rethinking Minor Literatures – Contemporary Jewish Womens’ Writing in Germany and Austria, Special Issue of Modern Languages Open (June 2020), co-edited with Maria Roca Lizarazu. Open Access publication: https://www.modernlanguagesopen.org/collections/special/rethinking-minor... 
See also: 


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