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Time and Place

5 Nov 2012 - 1:15 pm to 15 Nov 2012 - 1:15 pm

Works by Gurpran Rau

King's Art Centre, 12 noon - 5pm daily
Private view: Saturday 10 November, 6.30 - 9.30pm

Artist's statement

My work attempts to connect experiences of different places, landscapes and environments with moments in time that reside in my memory.

My nomadic life causes the definition of home to shift continually. My imagery comes from both the recollections of places I have inhabited and the places I have visited - from as far away as Bhutan and San Francisco to Cambridge. These journeys are not only physically displacing but also a psychological and emotional passage, each one leaving a trace in my consciousness.

Layers of paint create surfaces that evoke weathered walls, revealing underlying histories and showing the passing of time. Using fragmented maps as a backdrop, I share my own unique experience of these places with the viewer, suggesting a world where political and geographical boundaries do not exist. Overlaid symbols of shelter - rooftops, nests and dwellings recur in these paintings in my constant search for a place to call home. I have come to recognize that geography and heritage are irrelevant and home is just a state of mind!

See Gupran Rau's website for more about her work.

See also


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