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Listen to the Choir

Whether attending one of the regular services in our world-famous Chapel, or downloading one of the latest releases from the Choir's busy and imaginative recording schedule, there are many ways to listen to the Choir of King's College, Cambridge. Explore the links below to find out more about attending services and concerts around the world, or listen to the Chapel services and organ recitals online.

Audio Webcasts from the Chapel

Chapel services with a congregation resumed in October 2021. We hope to be able to...



Choir Concerts

Apart from singing choral services during term time, the Choir also sings in concerts in...

Attending Chapel Services

A very wide range of people come to services in King's College Chapel for a...

Choir News


King's alumni release new album

Ten King's alumni feature on a new album of English song, released on the King's...


Radio to broadcast recorded version of Christmas Eve service

A recording of 2020’s A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols will be broadcast at...


Choristers joined by The King's Singers for Carols from King's

The internationally renowned vocal group stepped in to join the choristers for the traditional Christmas...

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