Submit a Project

King’s has two summer research programmes, the Gatsby Summer Research Programme for the Sciences and the King’s Summer Research Programme for the Arts and Humanities

The Gatsby Summer Research Programme for the Sciences, launched in spring 2021, will offer disadvantaged King’s undergraduates in the early and middle years of their degree (i.e. not final year students) the opportunity to work with a King’s Fellow, College Research Associate or University academic on a focused research project for a 6-10 week period over the summer vacation. The aim is to give students hands-on research experience and enthuse and encourage them to consider going on to a doctorate and potentially an academic or research-led career in the sciences.

The programme will fund 10 students annually for a period of 10 years. Participating students are offered subsidised accommodation in College and receive an award to cover subsistence for up to 10 weeks.

The parallel King’s Summer Research Programme for the Arts and Humanities is funded by the College and open to all undergraduate students in the early and middle years of their degree. It may also support students not eligible for the Gatsby internship who apply successfully for a science-based project.

How can Fellows be involved?

Fellows, Bye-Fellows and College Research Associates can submit a project for a student to carry out a particular piece of research. A good project should:

  • provide a high-impact learning opportunity for the student in developing research skills and awareness, preferably providing an authentic experience of a range of steps in the research process
  • make a valuable contribution to the research of the supervisor and to University research in general
  • allow the student to learn more about an academic career while gaining skills that are useful for any career path.

What do I need to do if I am interested in submitting a project?

If you have a suggestion for a project you can submit your proposal by completing the online form below. The deadline for submissions is 29th February 2024. 


Can I submit more than one project? You are welcome to submit more than one...

Open Placements

The King’s Summer Research Programmes provide students with the opportunity to gain real research experience...

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