Philanthropy Reports

All alumni and friends of King's receive a copy of the annual Philanthropy Report, where they can see how their donations make a difference and the impact they have on the College and its community.

Back issues of our Philanthropy Reports can be found below.



The Impact of Giving

Please see below for some recent examples of projects which have been made possible thanks to the generous support of our donors.

From our biannual magazine to our social media channels, there are many ways to find out about the latest College news and research.
We welcome donations of all sizes to important causes such as our access programme, graduate scholarships or our renowned Chapel and Choir.
We are honoured to recognise all gifts to the College and would be pleased to accept you into one of our donor circles.

Members and Friends News


Renowned conductor Sir Andrew Davis CBE (KC 1963) dies

Sir Andrew Davis, Organ Scholar at King’s under the tutelage of Sir David Willcocks, passed away on 20th April 2024, aged 80.


King’s to welcome 12 Gates Cambridge Scholars in 2024

75 Scholars have been selected to form the Gates Cambridge Class of 2024, and we are delighted to announce that 12 of them will be joining us at King’s next Michaelmas Term.


The Telephone Fundraising Campaign begins today

From today and until 22 April, a team of 13 student callers will be reaching out to alumni across the world and asking them to support our Supplementary Exhibition Fund and other College initiatives.

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